Professed “Christian” Rock Band, As I Lay Dying
—Featured at Ozzfest 2005!

by David J. Stewart

       Some people accuse me of being judgmental; but that's just plain wrong. I don't condemn anyone, for I am a hell-deserving sinner just like everyone else. If you want to find a big sinner, you've found him. My salvation rests solely in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins.

Here's another so-called “Christian rock” band serving Satan. According to

"As I Lay Dying is a Christian metal band currently signed to Metal Blade Records. The band is most accurately described as metalcore, fusing elements of metal and hardcore punk music." -SOURCE (WIKIPEDIA)

WIKIPEDIA goes on to say...

"After extensive touring and a marked increase in popularity, As I Lay Dying signed with Metal Blade Records in early 2003. In July 2003, the band's second full-length album, Frail Words Collapse, was released and extensive touring with the likes of Himsa, Shadows Fall, The Black Dahlia Murder, By Nightfall, and other popular heavy music bands followed. In June 2005, the band released their third full-length CD Shadows Are Security as they went on the second stage of Ozzfest 2005."

Ozzfest 2005??? What kind of "Christians" would perform at a known Satanic festival? Ozzy Osborne is as Satanic as can be, but ironically denies being a Satanist. Whether you're a Satanist or not Ozzy, you are 100% Satanic!!! Since the year 2000, all of Ozzy's albums have featured the Pagan god, Pan, on the front cover. See for yourself: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

In an interview by Score Music, band drummer Jordan Mancino stated...

"You know, what's weird is that a lot of people don't know that we're a Christian band.." -SOURCE

What's so "weird" about people not recognizing you as "Christians"? You guys dress like the sinful world, sing like the Devil's crowd, act like heathen entertainers, use Satanic looking art on your album covers, and even perform with the world's foremost Satanic musician (Ozzy Osborne, who was the lead singer of the Satanic band, Black Sabbath, for many years).

Ozzy Osbourne's Music is straight from Hell!

Ozzy Osbourne has been sued in court repeatedly by angry parents who blame Ozzy for their teen's suicidal death. Ozzy knows that teenagers are listening to his music, who recommends for people to commit suicide in his song, SUICIDE SOLUTION.

Ozzy Osborne (pictured at left and right) is well-known for using Satanic imagery to sell his works of darkness, yet oddly, Ozzy denies being a Satanist. One thing is for certain Mr. Osborne... your music is Satanic! 

"I've now been sued by about 25 people who claim their kids committed suicide from listening to my music." -Ozzy Osbourne (Source -interview, Ozzy Meets Marilyn Manson, 1997)

Ozzy denies being responsible for any deaths, claiming that his music doesn't make people crazy, it just gives crazy people a vehicle to ride on. However, psychological studies have proven that emotionally vulnerable teenagers are at a higher risk of committing suicide from listening to music like Ozzy's.1

The Supreme Court defended Ozzy on the basis of Free Speech. These teenagers killed themselves while listening to Ozzy's music! In October 1984, a nineteen-year-old teenager named John M. shot himself in the head, while listening to Ozzy Osbourne's “Suicide Solution.” When the coroner entered the room, he found the headphones still on John's head.2

Ironically, Christians are being found guilty in court for preaching the Word of God; but Ozzy is just exercising his "free speech." Satan is truly the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).

Only God knows the total number of people who have commit suicide as a result of Ozzy's satanic music.

The Men Who Rejected Jesus Christ (an article I wrote which exposes Marilyn Manson and Ozzy Osbourne)

Subliminal Messages Promote Suicide in Ozzy's Music

Few parents realize that there are existing technological devices (evil inventions, Ecclesiastes 7:29) which have been used to develop music which contains subliminal messages... messages that deliberately mess with the listeners head. The following contains shocking information from the Institute for Bio-Acoustics Research (IBAR):

"In October 1984, a nineteen-year-old teenager named John M. shot himself in the head, while listening to Ozzy Osbourne's "Suicide Solution". When the coroner entered the room, he found the headphones still on John's head. This would be one of the tragedies that caused Ozzy immeasurable grief.

In 1986, Ozzy had just gotten off a plane at LAX airport when people began asking him about the "lawsuits". Ozzy knew nothing about any lawsuit but the details quickly emerged. Three lawsuits had been launched against Ozzy, claiming that his lyrics had caused youths to commit suicide. The family of John hired attorney Thomas Anderson in a lawsuit against Ozzy. Mr. Anderson claimed on the "Don't Blame Me" Ozzy video, that the song contained tones known as 'hemisync' and would cause a person to be unable to resist what was being said in the song.

The Institute for Bio-Acoustics Research, Inc. (IBAR) was hired to evaluate the song. They claim to have found subliminal lyrics that weren't included in the lyrics sheet. These subliminal lyrics were sung at one and one-half times the normal rate of speech and are not recognized by a first time listener. The IBAR institute claimed the subliminal lyrics, "are audible enough that their meaning and true intent becomes clear after being listened to over and over again." The subliminal lyrics in question were "Why try, why try? Get the gun and try it! Shoot, Shoot, Shoot", followed by a hideous laughter.

Further analysis by IBAR revealed the hemisync tones, which result from a patented process that uses sound waves to influence an individual's mental state. The tones have been found to increase the rate at which the human brain assimilates and processes information. IBAR claimed these tones made John vulnerable to the suggestive lyrics which Ozzy sang.

Ozzy's lawyer claimed that this was nonsense and relied upon the First Amendment of the Constitution to argue that Ozzy could write about anything he wanted. Three people had now taken their lives, and in each case it was Ozzy's 'Suicide Solution' song which was the focus as the cause of the deaths. Mr. Anderson claimed that the words, "shoot shoot, get the gun, get the gun" were audible in the song. There is an effect which can be heard on the song, that could be interpreted as that if one tried hard enough. The sounds were just Ozzy messing around with the soundboard." -SOURCE

Did you read that? ... "The Institute for Bio-Acoustics Research, Inc. (IBAR) was hired to evaluate Ozzy's music. They claim to have found subliminal lyrics that weren't included in the lyrics sheet. These subliminal lyrics were sung at one and one-half times the normal rate of speech and are not recognized by a first time listener. The IBAR institute claimed the subliminal lyrics, "are audible enough that their meaning and true intent becomes clear after being listened to over and over again.

Ozzy's lawyer argued that Mr. Osbourne could sing about anything he wanted, claiming Ozzy's rights to free speech. Ozzy won! Isn't it crazy that you can be arrested for preaching against abortion; BUT, it's acceptable for someone to sell music that causes teens to commit suicide. America is mentally-ill.

Here's a section of the lyrics from Ozzy's "Suicide Solution"...

"Breaking laws, Knocking doors
But there's no one at home
Made your bed, Rest your head
But you lie there and moan
Where to hide,
Suicide is the only way out
Don't you know what it's really about"

Although Ozzy claims that he never intended for his music to cause anyone to commit suicide, the statistics are FACTS.  No doubt, apathetic parents are mostly to blame; but, Ozzy is also greatly to blame.  The music itself is a medium through which demons enter one's mind and soul.  Even Ozzy admits Satan's influence upon him...

"I really wish I knew why I've done some of the things I've done over the years. I don't know if I'm a medium for some outside source.  Whatever it is, frankly, I hope it's not what I think it is - Satan".
Ozzy Osbourne (Hit Parader, Feb., 1978, p.24)

Why would ANY professed Christian band yoke together with Ozzy Osbourne? The Word of God commands us to EXPOSE the unfruitful works of darkness; NOT fellowship with them!

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." —Ephesians 5:11

Ozzy Osbourne and Satanism

Photo to right: Album cover for Ozzfest 2002. The beast is "Pan" (the god of sexual deviance, pedophilia, and rape—who represents Satan). Although Ozzy denies being a "Satanist," this photo says otherwise. Every witch and Satanist knows exact who Pan is, and so does Ozzy!

"1969 marked the beginning of the evil career of Ozzy Osbourne.  Osbourne formed the band Black Sabbath.  The group modeled itself on the Rolling Stones.  The next fifteen years would witness a procession of young drugged-out rock performers, like Osbourne, each competing for the "big money" and the recording contracts that came with it.  The key criteria of those who would "make it" was their ability to portray decadence and evil.  These were the "heavy-metal" groups.

In 1985, New Solidarity newspaper, which has since been forcibly shut down by the federal government, conducted an interview with Hezekiah Ben Aaron, then the third-ranking member of the Church of Satan. Ben Aaron is now a devout Christian. In the interview, Aaron revealed that it was his Church that started such "heavy-metal" rock groups as Black Sabbath, The Blue Oyster Cult, The Who, Ozzy Osbourne, and many others. The Church of Satan was then led by its high priest, Anton LaVey. Many report, however, that LaVey, a former circus lion tamer, was just a front man for the real high priest, Kenneth Anger, the man who earlier recruited the Rolling Stones to the occult." -Donald Phau

Photo to left: Paul McCartney fondles the horns of a ram on his 1971 album cover, RAM.  Clearly, this is Paul's way of identifying himself with Satanism.  McCartney's own statements professing himself to be an Atheist.

Few people are aware of the Satanic roots of rock-n-roll. The 20th century's most infamous Satanistswas Aleister Crowley, whose face appears on the Beatles, Sgt. Peppers album cover. 

In 1922, Crowley published Diary of a Drug Fiend, which was about the use of cocaine. He described the widespread use of cocaine among Hollywood stars, which he described as “cocaine-crazed sexual lunatics.” 

Crowley died a wasted heroin addict given to rages and doubts. His last words were “I am perplexed…” Crowley worshipped the demon god Pan, the god of sexuality and lust. His “Hymn to Pan” was read at his funeral: “I rave and I rape and I rip and I rend/ Everlasting world without end!”

Ozzy Osbourne called Crowley “a phenomenon of his time” (Circus, Aug. 26, 1980, p. 26). Ozzy even had a song called “Mr. Crowley.” “You fooled all the people with magic/ You waited on Satan's call/ … Mr. Crowley, won't you ride my white horse…”

It was Brain Wilson of the Beach Boys who professed...

"We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music."

— Brian Wilson of THE BEACH BOYS, quoted in Nick Kent's The Dark Stuff (pg.27.)

"The group Black Sabbath have actually given invitations during their concerts for young people to receive Satan. Their 'live' album is titled 'Live Evil.' One of their albums, is truthfully titled, 'We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n Roll.' Their song N.I.B. (Nativity In Black) is one of the most openly satanic songs ever recorded. It is a love-song from Lucifer, in which Lucifer invites the listener to 'please take my hand':

Some people say MY LOVE cannot be true
Please believe me, MY LOVE, and I'll show you
I will give you those things you thought unreal . . .
YOUR LOVE FOR ME has just got to be real . . .
Look into my eyes, you will see who I am

Ozzy Osbourne was the lead singer for the Black Sabbath band. It was Ozzy who sang the above blasphemous lyrics. It was Ozzy Osbourne who sang praises to Aleister Crowley. 

How could any group of professed "Christians" fellowship and partake of such wickedness? This is a clear sign of the apostate condition of the United States! When professed "Christians" are performing Heavy Metal music at Ozzfest, with one of the world's most notorius haters of God (Ozzy Osbourne), then you know that America has forsaken God!!!

As I Lay Dying, Works of the Devil

Photo to right: As I Lay Dying's album cover, Frail Words Collapse.

On their album, Frail Words Collapse, here's the lyrics for the song, Undefined...

"What is this world, what is this we’ve created
in the burdens of this life I cannot rest
this world means nothing
everything we hold will pass away
with a void of completion comfort will ever fade
I long for this wind to cease
we once held undying devotion
now dead to our thoughts, undefined like our love"

This is typical of the meaningless mumbo-jumbo which As I Lay Dying sings. There is NO Gospel message. There is NO plan of salvation or even mention of God on their website. Jordan Mancino thinks it's "weird" that people don't recognize them as a Christian band. You associate yourself with Ozzy Osbourne, and then wonder why people don't think you're a "Christian." Hmmm. You're kidding right?

Jordan Mancino states...

"We're not necessarily a Christian band, but we're all Christians, and some don't know our beliefs and kind of like how we live. We're kind of a target sometimes for them sometimes." -SOURCE

Tragically, As I Lay Dying is widely recognized as a CHRISTIAN band. Do a Google search under "As I Lay Dying Christian" and you'll see that they are recognized as a "Christian" group. 

Their lyrics are posted on (please remember that there is NO such thing as "Christian rock," all rock-n-roll music is of the Devil). WIKIPEDIA also defines As I Lay Dying as a "Christian" group...

"As I Lay Dying is a Christian metal band currently signed to Metal Blade Records." -SOURCE (WIKIPEDIA)

It's difficult to accept that America has sunk so low into apostasy that we are now seeing "Christian" Heavy Metal rock bands, who perform with Ozzy Osbourne. 

There is absolutely NOTHING even remotely Christian about the band As I Lay Dying. Any group can label themselves as "Christian"; but that doesn't mean a thing. 

I did not write this article to be unkind; but rather, to EXPOSE the evils of so-called Christian Rock. As I Lay Dying are just as Godless as Ozzy Osbourne. Ozzy's music has produced a generation of DEVIL WORSHIPPERS. 

I'm not condemning anybody, God forbid. I'm just taking a Biblical stand against satanic music being sung in Jesus' name. Christians are instructed to expose Satan's unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11).

"He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil." 1st John 3:8

The Devil's Music

God's Simple Plan